Lecture of the representative of the Ministry of Educadion the Sultanate of Oman
Within the framework of business visit, Mr. Murad Ahmad, the representative of the Ministry of education of the Sultanate of Oman, gave a lecture to the students of Shukhov technological university to give them an idea of economic situation in his home country and share personal opinion in business.
V.S. Lesovik, the first vice-rector for research and innovation, introduced the esteemed visitor to the students before Mr. M. Ahmad started his exciting presentation. According to the lecturer, the Sultanate of Oman is actively pursuing innovative policy, which requires building friendly relationship between both countries with the view of further fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Mr. Murad Ahmad offered a photo presentation, demonstrating different locations in Oman both as they were 30 years ago and recent views. It is evident that the Sultanate of Oman is experiencing the new stage of development.
At the end of the lecture Mr. Murad Akhmad answered the students’ questions. The most interest was paid to oil and gas industry, demographic situation etc. To express their gratitude, the audience burst out into applause.