International contacts with Serbia grow stronger

From the 23rd to 26th of September the fifth Europe scientific congress of international federation of physical training professors took place in Nish (Serbia) and collected more than 200 participants from 11 countries. Among Russian representatives were professors of Belgorod higher educational institutions.

The head of the chair of physical training and sport, PhD (sociology) professor S. I. Kramskoy, who fulfilled the duties of chairman of one from the nine sections “Organization and principles of sport training”, took place in the congress as representative of Belgorod Shukhov state technological university.

In his report “Individual coaching is one of the training aspects of qualified reserve in handball” Sergey Ivanovich summarized his own experience of coach work (more than 35 years) with youth teams. According to his words, “individual work, achievement of your aims, right planning and training control are the means to get high skills. All these aspects can guarantee the coaches’ professionalism, their skills to organize and put into practice the coaching and also to interest students by the idea of overcoming the game disadvantages and achievement of high sport victories”. At the end of the report professor Kramskoy replied on the questions from Serbian, Bulgarian and Slovak specialists.

Coaches and professors of physical training put into practice master-classes for the congress participants. The great attention pays to the development of child’s, youth’s and student’s sport in Serbia, there is the succession “school - higher educational institution”, consequently, the great experience is accumulated in this field, and the Serbian specialists shared it with the participants. “It is important that the section work was not limited by the simple reading of reports - declares Sergey Ivanovich, - the professors of physical training preferred friendly live communication during the section conference, because there were not only scientific theorists and sport experts but also young specialists for whom such form of knowledges transmission is more effectively”.

At the end of the congress 15 participants were awarded by the maned diplomas “recognition”. The diploma for contribution into the science development on physical education and sport enriched the collection of sport awards of S.I. Kramskoy, the Honored member of Russian physical culture.

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