Participation in the International academic and research conference

   The delegation of the representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Sultanate of Oman took part in the international on-line internet-conference «Russian and Arabic states. Cooperation ways in research and educational sphere».


   During  the conference Glagolev S.N., the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov, doctor of science (economics), professor, pointed out the importance of further development of the relationships with Arabic states and, particularly, with the Sultanate of Oman in education and research fields.

   At the conference the Head of the delegation Dr. Abdullah M. Al Sarmi, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education extended thanks to the university administration for the invitation to visit our university: «We had an opportunity to hear many good things about BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov, but our visit here was beyond our expectations. We are grateful so much to the university administration for the cordial welcome and excellent arrangement of our visit. It’s very nice, that the representatives of different nations and countries study at BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov. I would like to give them an advice: you should cherish every moment of stay here, use every minute, try to get as more knowledge as possible, because you have highly qualified academic staff and professors, who will help you with pleasure».  

   Also the representative from Syrian Arab Republic, Dr. Mansura Atnan, undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport of the Syrian Arabian Republic took part in the online conferencing. He said, his department is doing a lot of work in construction and maintenance of highways in Arabic states. Many specialists in the field of highway construction got higher education at Russian and Ukrainian higher education establishments. Mansura Atnan highly estimated the level of highway engineers training and material-and-technical base in BSTU named after V. G. Shoukhov .

   It was followed by a video conference session with E. I. Patrick, the professor of International Academy of management and technologies, the representative from Germany (Düsseldorf). According to him: «I am glad to take part in your video-conference. Our Academy studies the experience in education, ecology, construction, energy saving and many other areas. We are involved in retraining specialists, familiarize them with advanced experience of leading companies, and effectively cooperate with BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov. It’s so pleasant for us, the university is entering the global education environment, becoming one of the leaders in the area of educational services».


   Professor G.I. Tohkar, vice-rector on academic and research work of Kharkov National Highway University, thanked for the opportunity to take part in the conference. He emphasized the importance of training qualified specialists for Asia, Africa and Latin America, paid much attention to our university. He also pointed out, that a great number of managerial staff in road industry, currently working in different countries are KNHU graduates. «We are paying a lot of attention to teaching foreign students specializing in highway construction, motor vehicles, ecology and economics».

    After that Daria Gubina, a postgraduate student of BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov gave a prenentation «Development perspectives of educational activity in Arab countries». The report was in English found active feedback from the students and appraisal of Dr. Abdullah M. Al Sarmi. 



                                       Public relations Department, BSTU named after V.G. Shoukhov






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