
Facts and Figures

Date of formation:

  • April 29, 1954.


  • The Russian Federation. The functions and powers of the founder are carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (location: 125993, Moscow, GSP-3, Tverskaya st., 11).

Organizational and legal form:

  • federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education.

Full name:

  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Belgorod State Technological University named after  V.G. Shukhov.

Name (without institutional-legal form):

  • Belgorod State Technological University named after  V.G. Shukhov.

Short name:

  • BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov.

Languages of instruction:

  • Russian
  • English:
    • 08.03.01 Industrial and civil engineering
    • 08.03.01 Inspection and real estate management
    • 08.03.01 Production and use of building materials, products and structures
    • 20.03.02 Environmental management and water use
    • 38.03.01 World Economy
    • 15.03.02 Technological machines and complexes of building materials enterprises
    • 08.04.01 Industrial and civil engineering
    • 08.04.01 Inspection and real estate management
    • 08.04.01 Production and use of building materials, products and structures
    • 38.04.02 International business


  • Monday - Saturday from 8:00 to 19:00, Sunday - day off.

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov is the flagship university in Russia and is included in the ranking of the best technical universities and the top 100 universities in Russia.

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is: more than 16 thousand students - two thousand of them are foreigners. These are: 45 scientific schools, 43 departments, 9 institutes. Education in Russian and English.

Developments of scientists of BSTU named after  V.G Shukhov are used at the enterprises of the nuclear industry - at the Kursk, Leningrad and Smolensk nuclear power plants. These are the purification of water from nuclear power plants from radioisotopes and radionuclides, the disposal of spent nuclear fuel from reactors in industrial containers (industrial TUK-109 for spent nuclear fuel from a nuclear power plant reactor with RBMK-1000) and radiation-protective assemblies filled with concrete to protect personnel who are in the reactor room.

For the project for the production of animal protein and lipid concentrate from the larvae of black soldier fly BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov developed a high-tech production line. The project partners are LLC "Agroakademia" and the Institute of Ecology and Evolution. A.N. Severtsov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). The project is being implemented as part of the program of the world-class scientific and educational center "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex" of the Belgorod region.

This comprehensive high-tech production project also received support under Government Decree No. 218.

For space: protective composites developed by scientists from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, flew into space. The developed material has a set of unique properties: high physical and technical, structural characteristics, bacterial resistance, radiation and thermal stability in a wide temperature range. When confirming the high quality of the developed material, the scientists of BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov will make a significant contribution to the development of Russian cosmonautics in the direction of ensuring the radiation safety of space flights on the reusable manned spacecraft Oryol.

University scientists have created robotic 6DOF mobility platforms for trainers and simulators for the aviation and rocket and space industries.

For ecology: At  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov created heavy-duty concrete. A polyfunctional material was invented from the waste of ecological cullet, which allows you to effectively solve a number of important environmental problems: the elimination of oil and oil product spills, the reduction of heat loss to the environment and the release of fuel combustion products into the atmosphere.

For energy: the university has developed an automated system for dispatching control of distributed objects of energy supply and life support of buildings - we are talking about a cross-platform software and hardware complex that operates on various hardware platforms, provides the ability to dispatch and energy-efficient intelligent control of distributed objects of energy consumption and life support of buildings with the possibility of web-based access to technological information.

Within the walls of the university, the production of an innovative composite binder "ECOcement" for additive 3D construction has been developed, it is used in the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Vladimir and other regions. Our young scientists have upgraded databases and applications to automate the activities of the housing stock in Belgorod.

The BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov successfully operates a high-tech center, which has created several digital modeling laboratories in the sector of construction and operation of buildings, structures, engineering and transport systems: BIM, virtual and augmented realities, artificial intelligence and neural networks. They are equipped with high-performance computing, modeling power and unique equipment for high-precision spatial scanning of real world objects.

Territory of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov is a modern campus with educational and laboratory buildings, an experimental production base, a library, a developed structure of housing for teachers and students, a catering plant, a palace of culture and sports facilities. There is a sanatorium, a health center and a recreation center.

In 2017, the Military Training Center named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army named after N.F. Vatutin, which trains reserve officers and sergeants for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The College of High Technologies was also opened for secondary vocational education. For children and adolescents, there is an institution of additional technical education - the Small Technological University.

Education at the university is multilevel and multidisciplinary. You can enter the university in 40 areas of undergraduate, 11 specialty, 32 areas of magistracy, 15 areas of postgraduate studies, 6 areas of secondary vocational education. Students can study in full-time, part-time and part-time forms, including using distance learning technologies.

Cooperation agreements have been signed with a number of leading foreign universities. There is a preparatory faculty for foreign citizens. Professional education is carried out under the program of double diplomas.

The material and technical base of the sports complex is one of the best in Russia. This is a modern stadium, game halls, sports grounds, tennis courts, two swimming pools, 40 sports sections. Two gaming halls, a shooting range, a stadium and a swimming pool are included in the All-Russian Register of Sports Facilities.

The scientific and technical library has the richest fund - more than 1.5 million copies of books. These are scientific, educational, methodical, reference and fiction literature, normative and technical documentation. The electronic library of the university has more than 6,000 titles of electronic intra-university publications. There is access to remote Russian and foreign electronic educational resources, more than 200,000 electronic educational and scientific publications are available to teachers and students of the university.

There are 53 creative associations in the student palace of culture: groups, studios, circles in various directions, evenings of rest, competitions, concerts, festivals, KVN games, discos and much more are held.

To improve the performance of graduates, their adaptation to modern socio-economic conditions, a scientific and technical center for professional adaptation and employment of specialists was created at the university. Experienced employees provide Shukhov residents with information about available vacancies in the labor market, organize trainings for personal growth, meetings with employers.

More than 70 thousand graduates design modern airports, sports arenas, bridges, skyscrapers, create nuclear submarines, launch nuclear reactors of power plants, participate in the development of space and a number of other sectors of the economy in Russia and dozens of countries around the world.



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