
Food facilities

Canteen menu is available only via the university internal network and via university wi-fi:

BSTU food facilities are separate subdivision of the V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University.  They were established in 1975.

Main functions:

  • Food provision for students and university staff;
  • Prompt and high-quality performance of production tasks with the introduction of new technologies;
  • Event catering.

Food facilities:

  • 5 canteens;
  • 5 cafe;
  • 2 Bakery;
  • 3 snacks bar;
  • 1 grocery store.

There are 992 seats.

Every day 8500 people eat in different food facilities in the university. 85 % of total of students and staff use food facilities.

Canteens and cafes’ open hours are planned considering the studying schedule:

Breakfast from 7.30 pm

Lunch from 11.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

Dinner till 7.30 p.m.

Snack bars are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. hours

The variety of products is produced taking into account the seasons and calories of meals.

Students from all over the world study at the university, that’s why from September 1, 2011 the menu of food facilities includes dishes of foreign cuisine.

You can try Italian cuisine in the dormitory № 5 cafe, Arabian cuisine — in the dormitory № 2 canteen , Russian cuisine — in the academic staff café, Ukrainian cuisine — in the canteen of the academic building № 4 of, Slavic cuisine — in the canteen of  the academic building № 5. 

The food facilities staff has been a participant and prize-winner of the professional skills competition for many years. 

We get great feedback in all our food facilities about high quality of food and our services.

Many times the food facilities staff received certificates of honor, letters of gratitude and awards of state institutions of the regional and federal level.

The food facilities provide catering services for official dinners, events. You can order for takeaway karavais, cakes, dinners, lunches.


Contact us:
Director tel.:  55-18-23
fax: 55-03-90
Address: 46 Kostyukova street

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