
Advanced training for teaching staff

Centre of Advanced Training (Centre PK PPS UMU) provides skill development for the teaching staff of the University, the center was transformed in March 2007 from the Department of Methodology.

The main goals of the Centre of Advanced Training are:

  • Development of the top qualified faculty of the university in conditions of transition to a degree orientated higher professional education;
  • Validation of integration of traditional engineering and technical education into innovative educational technologies of higher professional education;
  • Development of conditions for the continuing improvement of professional and teaching skills of the academic staff.

The main aims of the Centre of Advanced Training:

  • Development of programs to improve the skills of academic staff to form innovative teaching skills through training on the basis of advanced national and foreign educational technologies;
  • Motivation of the teachers to develop integrated problem-oriented educational programs in the field of technology and industries of the Russian Federation and the region;
  • Shaping of necessity for continuing self-education.

The main tasks of the Centre of Advanced Training are:

  • Development of teaching, psychological, social, ethical, organizational, communicative and other types of skills of the academic staff of higher education that correspond to the modern educational process through the implementation of professional development programs.
  • Improving the quality of the educational process through the use of a comprehensive approach, achievements of pedagogics, advanced teaching experience and new technologies, their creative comprehension, and introduction into the educational process in modern conditions.

Advanced training is conducted in accordance with the Education Legislation (No. 273-FZ), recommendations and Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the Advanced Training in universities, local acts of the university.

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