
Institute of Economics and Management

Director of the Institute
Doroshenko Yuri Anatolyevich,

Professor, Doctor of Economics.
Phone: 55-22-91, int. 17-38

The training of economists has been carried out in the institute since 1972. It was in that year when the graduate department of economics and building industry management was opened in the university for the specialty «Economics and building materials industry organization» (qualification of engineer-economist).

 In 1993 the Engineering and Economics Faculty was opened together with training for specialty «Accounting, Auditing and Analysis». In 1996 the faculty was renamed into the faculty of Economics and Management. In 2000 the training in the specialties «Finance and credit» and «World economy» and in 2005 in the specialty «Marketing» was opened. In 2004 the Engineering and Economics Faculty as one of the largest in the university was transformed into the Institute of Economics and Management.

The structure of the institute consists of 10 departments; eight of them are graduation departments: economics and production organization department, management and foreign economic activity department, financial management department, accounting and audit department, marketing department, strategic management department, sociology and management department, theory and methodology of science department, as well as higher mathematics department and foreign languages department.

Due to the transferring to the level training since 2009 the training of bachelors in the program «Economics» has been implemented, since 2011 – of bachelors in the programs «Management» and «Personnel management», and economists in the specialty «Economic security», since 2015 – of bachelors in the program «Business Informatics», since 2016 – in the program «Housing and Communal Infrastructure», in 2018 the admission to the bachelors' program «Public Policy and Social Sciences» was opened. The masters are trained in the programs «Economics», «Management», «Personnel management» and «Finance and credit».

Currently, in the institute 1250 students are learning, and 195 lecturers, including 35 professors and doctors of science and 95 associate professors and candidates of science, are employed. The basic education of lecturers and their scientific research correspond to the subjects they teach.

Since 1972 in the institute over 8000 specialists in the economics area have been prepared, many of which have become managers and directors of large enterprises, banks, offices and state administration bodies (V.V. Sklyarenko – general director of ZAO «Borisovsky zavod mostovykh metallokonstruktsyi», А.S. Sirotenko - general director of ООО «Pivovarennaya kompaniya «Staraya krepost», М.Е. Egorov – general director of АО «Domostroitelnaya kompaniya», S.V. Yudin – chairman of the board of directors in ООО GK «Zelenaya Dolina», О.I. Gavrilyuk – first deputy general director in ZAO «KapitalAgro», А.V. Landin – economy and finance director of АО «Polyus», I.А. Chermoshansky – first deputy director of the Belgorod regional department of Sberbank of Russia, N.I. Poluyanova – head of the Board of Education of the Belgorod region, I.N. Polevoy – deputy head of the Economic Development Department of the Belgorod region etc.).

The graduates of the Institute are sought-after specialists at federal and regional authorities, banks, insurance companies, investment funds and other financial institutions, at enterprises and organizations of various branches of industry.

Over 350 specialists from the countries abroad (China, Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Congo, Ecuador, Guyana, Syria, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Serbia, Albania, Panama and others) have been trained at the institute, who are successfully employed now in various companies and structures of their home countries.

Within the framework of scientific-economic school, formed at the IEM the research in the following areas are carried out: scientific and methodological basis of the integrated assessment and management of the economic potential of regional formations; scientific and methodological basis of the assessment and management of innovative potential of a region (scientific-educational aspect); theoretical and methodological aspects and the methodological toolkit of providing the innovative development of economic systems of various degree of complexity; scientific and methodological basis of the assessment and management of an industrial enterprise’s business value; conception and theory of forming the economic security of a region, enterprise or an individual; theory and methodology of the ecological-economical approach to integrated utilization of mineral deposits in conditions of market relations; theory and methodology of forming and assessing the investment attractiveness of a region or an enterprise; a set of economic and mathematical models of sectors and enterprises development strategy in building materials industry in conditions of decisions environment dynamics; theoretical approaches to substantiating the efficient utilization of the economic potential of natural monopolies in industrial production development.

The findings of the carried-out research have been tested and implemented in the work practice of the federal economic structures, the bodies of legislative and executive power of the regions of the Russian Federation, economic entities of the real sector of economy, the educational process in a number of leading Russian higher education institutions in training specialists in the sphere of economics.

The potential accumulated by the Institute made it possible to create, on the basis of the IEM in November 2010, a research and educational center (REC) "Innovative Development of Economic Systems" with the purpose of: integrating research and educational activities with the aim of improving the quality of training specialists; focusing on the commercialization of research and development results, their orientation to the needs of the real sector of the economy; attracting students, graduate students and young specialists to research activity.

The most significant scientific achievement within the last few years is receiving the competitive grants by the research teams of the Institute for implementing the state task of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science: in 2014-2016 – RD №26.1511.2014/K «Theory and methodology of innovative-investment processes management in small business entities»; in 2017-2019 – RD №26.9642.2017/BCH «Theoretical and methodological provision of forming an organizational-economic support mechanism for high-tech companies as the drivers of innovative development of the modern Russia's economy».

Within the framework of implementing the Strategic Development Program of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov as a flagship university the scientists from the Institute of Economics and Management perform a flagship strategic project «BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov as an integrator of system decisions within the framework of Belgorod agglomeration development».

The lecturers of the Institute actively participate in carrying out projects under the grants of RHSF (now RFBR), grant of the President of the RF for young scientists, FKCP, contract-based research by orders of the administration of the Belgorod region and of economic entities.

In 2013-2015 by the order of the administration of the Belgorod region an integrated 1500-hour professional development program was implemented for 45 city managers «Municipal formations management», which has allowed forming the necessary employee pool and improving the qualifications of the employed administrative municipal workers. In 2017 the implementation of another similar program began, which includes 50 audience members, picked by the Department of Internal and Personnel Policies of the Belgorod region. 

On the basis of the Institute there is a department for supplementary education program «Translator in the field of professional communication», which allows expanding the graduates' competences and their competitive advantages at the labor market.

Since 1997 the candidate dissertation board in the specialty 08.00.05 – «Economics and management of the national economy (industry; innovations management) » has been working at the Institute, which in 2001 was transformed into the doctoral dissertation board. In 2016, in spite of the large contribution to certification and training of highly-qualified personnel (over 350 doctoral and candidate dissertations have been defended during its existence), its functioning was stopped by the HAC of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science with no reason given.

In 2001 the lecturers of the Institute took part in implementing the World Bank's project of the public finances' reforming in the Belgorod region.

The Rector of the University, Doctor of economics and Professor of the strategic management department S.N. Glagolev is the chairman of the Belgorod regional department of Free Economic Society (FES); and the director of the IEM, Doctor of economics, Professor Yu.А. Doroshenko is his deputy.

Since 1994 almost every year the students of the Institute were receiving the Presidential scholarships, governmental scholarships, the scholarships of the Belgorod region administration, enterprises, banks and various funds. Many students of the Institute are winners and prize-winners of numerous national and regional academic competitions, contests and conferences in economics.

Over the course of the Institutes' existence over 5 thousand of economic specialists have been prepared here, many of which have become managers in large enterprises, banks and offices.

The graduates of the IEM are sought-after specialists at federal and regional authorities, banks, insurance companies, investment funds and other financial institutions, at enterprises and organizations of various branches of industry.

Our graduates are the future managers of companies, departments, agencies of marketing, planning, economic analysis and international economic activity; they are employed in commercial banks, insurance companies, auditing, realtor and consulting firms, they are highly-qualified chief accountants of companies in various branches of industry. It’s probably difficult to find an enterprise or organization in the Belgorod region and even outside it, where there would be no specialists, trained in our university.

The students’ life is eventful and interesting: artistic creative activities, wits&humour competitions, sports, students' labor teams – everybody have the opportunity to be engaged in their favorite hobbies and activities.

List of departments


Research activities

Contact details:

  • Address: 308012, Belgorod,  46 Kostyukov str, educational building, office. 301
  • Phone 55-22-91,54-97-09; Fax 55-22-91 


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