Entry requirements

Foreign citizens can apply to BSTU under the following conditions.

Prospective students can apply to just one institute and for one specialization field only.

Languages of instruction are Russian and English.

Documents will be submitted from May 15, 2024 to August 20, 2024 on working days from 10-00 to 17-00

List of documents required:

1. Application form

2.  Identity document (original, 1 notarized copy of first page translated into Russian, + 1 copy without notarization)

4. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, education certificates, issued in other countries and which are to be submitted to the Russian bodies or organizations, must be legalized .You can check the type of legalization (consular legalization or Apostille) for your certificate in the following link http://nic.gov.ru/ru/proc/lega

5. Recognition certificate (if required)

6. Medical certificates ( issued in the Russian Federation)

  • a certificate with data on chronic diseases (086-U form)
  • HIV certificate
  • RW blood test
  • blood test for hepatitis B
  • medical vaccination certificate indicating the dates of vaccination, verified by a stamp of a medical establishment
  • Chest X - ray certificate

7. Copy of entry visa to the Russian Federation (in case of arrival with a visa), copy of migration card

8. Six 3*4-cm-size matte photos

Foreign applicants entering the first year of the undergraduate program must take a Russian language proficiency test (written and oral) and test in major subjects.

Foreign applicants who will study on a tuition fee-payment basis, must sign education contract with the university and pay a tuition fee.

Enrollment of foreign applicants for the first year is carried out in case if:

  •  they have successfully passed placement tests,
  •  they paid a tuition fee
  •  they have medical insurance policy.

Medical insurance policy can be taken at the Centre of international education and cooperation or Preparatory faculty.

For further information regarding admission process, please email to priem-bstu@mail.ru






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