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  2. Min'ko N.I., Medvedev E.F. Connectivity of glass structure. Oxygen number // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. (327). 032038
  3. Novoselova I.N., Novosyolov A.G. Peculiarities of physical and chemical processes of clinker formation in raw mixes with increased content of magnesium oxide in presence of barite waste // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. (327). 032042
  4. Matyukhin P.V. The choice of iron-containing filling for composite radioprotective material // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. (327). 032036
  5. Pavlenko V.I., Cherkashina N.I., Demkina L.N. Influence of Hydrothermal Treatment on Crystalline Form of SiO2 Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. (327). 052026
  6. Shapovalov N.A., Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Shchekina A.Yu., Gorodov A.I. Modified binders on the basis of flotation tailings // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. (327). 032050.
  7. Konovalov V.M., Klassen V.K., Pereskok S.A., Novosyolov  A.G. Peculiarities of fuel burning in dry and wet cement production kilns // IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2018. Vol. 194. 052016. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/194/5/052016
  8. Yastrebinsky R.N., Pavlenko A.V., Yastrebinskaya A.V. Radiation and Protective Polymeric Dielectric Aggregates with Effect of the Active Protection // 15th International School-Conference “New materials – Materials of innovative energy: development, characterization methods and application”, KnE Life Sciences, 2018. Pp. 326-333.
  9. Yastrebinsky R.N., Pavlenko V.I., Kuprieva O.V. Increase in Thermal Stability of HYDRIDE of the TITANIUM // 15th International School-Conference “New materials – Materials of innovative energy: development, characterization methods and application”, KnE Life Sciences, 2018. Pp. 230-239.
  10. Yastrebinskii R.N. Attenuation of Neutron and Gamma Radiation by a Composite Material Based on Modified Titanium Hydride with a Varied Boron Content // Russian Physics Journal. 2018. Vol.60. №.12. Pp.2164-2168.
  11. Yastrebinskii R.N., Bondarenko G.G., Pavlenko V.I. Synthesis of Stable Bismuth Silicate with Sillenite Structure in the Na2O-Bi2O3-SiO2 System // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018. Vol.9. № 2. Pp. 221-226. DOI: 10.1134/S2075113318020326
  12. Cherkashina N.I., Pavlenko A.V. Modification of Optical Characteristics of a Polymer Composite Material under Irradiation // Technical Physics. 2018. Vol.63. № 4. Pp.571-575
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  15. Ivanova O, Danshina E. Peculiarities of the dielectric properties of ternary 0.5(Y0.1Zr0.9O2) –0.5(0.6SrTiO3 – 0.4BiScO3) ceramic system // Ceramics International. 2018. Vol. 44. Pp. 22856–22864
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  17. Pavlenko V.I., Cherkashina N.I., Yastrebinsky R.N., Demchenko O.V. On Enhancing the Thermal Stability of Metal Hydrides by Ion–Plasma Vacuum Magnetron Sputtering //  Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2017, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 254–258. DOI: 10.1134/S1027451017010311

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